Boundary Disputes UK
Boundary Disputes UK
When a disagreement regarding boundaries arises with the owner of a neighbouring property, it is important you understand the procedure to follow to establish where the boundaries of your property are in a quick and fare way.
If you’re already involved in a boundary dispute with your neighbour, you should seek advice from a chartered surveyor with the expertise in this area of law. Resolving the argument to whom the part of land belongs to can be done by checking the deeds of the properties involved and referring to the Land Registry records.
Overgrowing Your Welcome
A common issue that people encounter with their neighbours is when a tree or hedge over grows into a neighbouring property. While this may be seen as a minor issue to the majority of people, this sort of example can become a real problem when roots or branches start to cause damage to a property.
The best approach to take if this issue occurs would be to talk to your neighbour first as they may be unaware of the tree or hedge overgrowing. However, if the neighbour refuses to deal with the issue, you have the right to remove any part of the tree or hedge that is overgrown into your property but can’t remove anything that is in your neighbour’s property. You also can’t cause any long-lasting damage to the tree or hedge when cutting it back.
You also should check to see if the tree is under a Tree Preservation Order before you start cutting away as this would mean it’s illegal for you to interfere the tree. As well as this, you should not interfere with any trees or hedges that are in a Conservation Area.
Dealing With Your Boundary Disputes
Boundary disputes can vary between small domestic disputes to larger issues relating to commercial land and buildings. As a result of this, these disputes can be very bitter and can also be very expensive to deal with. To help keep the cost down, all endeavours are prompted to try make an early resolution. Nevertheless, if a resolution can’t be made between you and your neighbour then the case will usually be taken to court. Nabbarro McAllister are equipped with a team of chartered surveyors with the experience of attending court as an expert witness on this sort of case.
To get the quickest response, you should have a copy of your boundary agreement in writing that both you and your neighbour have signed. As a result of you having this, your dilemma can be sorted as quick as possible.
If you have any questions on anything you have read above then don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll look forward to hearing for you very soon!