Property Surveyors

Property Surveyors

We know it’s not cheap when it comes to buying a property. It’s probably the most expensive purchase a person will ever make so it’s important to make sure no avoidable extra costs can pop up. We recommend using property surveyors, so you can get an experts opinion on the condition of a property you plan on buying or selling. They’ll be able to create you a report that’ll include all the relevant information, so you can feel comfortable when you’re buying or selling a property.

The Benefits Of Using A Property Surveyors

The price is usually the primary focus when someone is searching for a property so when you find a property in your price range, you won’t be wanting any hidden costs to come along after the purchase. The average total cost of repairs for a new buyer is £5,750. Therefore, if you’re searching for a property you should think about contacting a Property Surveyor.

People often think they’ll get the same insights from a property valuation as they would from a property survey, but this isn’t right. A property valuation benefits the lender rather than the buyer whereas a property survey will give you confidence in the property which is obviously a benefit for you. Property Surveyors will help to show any potential problems that are wrong with the property and give you peace of mind in your property.

Which Is the Right Survey For You?

Your home type determines the type of home survey that you should get. So, which is the right survey for you? We have underlined all the reports to consider so you can choose the one that best suites you!

The Homebuyer Report

The Homebuyer Report provides you with a lot of necessary information about a property. This includes:

  • Any major problems with your property
  • A valuation and an insurance reinstatement value.
  • The Surveyor is non-invasive. Meaning that they won’t be looking behind furniture or pulling up floor boards so the report that gets drawn up is limited.

Recently there was a new level of survey introduced called a “Homebuyer Report without a valuation”. It is still under development, but it includes everything that the Homebuyer Report just without the valuation.

Building Survey

The Building Survey might be expensive but is defiantly worth it!

  • Depending on the size of the property, the price range is £500-£2000.
  • The building Survey comes with a detailed report that will underline all the important information.
  • Old, listed, thatched or unusually constructed buildings can cause the Building Survey to be highly priced.
  • It’s wise to have a Building Survey if you are considering doing some serious building work.
  •  The Surveyors will be very detailed by looking at everything in the property from behind the sofa to down in the basement.
  • There is also advice such as timing and cost of any potential repairs included within the report. It will also pint out what could happen if you didn’t fix the repairs.
If you have any questions on anything you have read above, then don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll look forward to hearing for you very soon!